European Parliament President Roberta Metsola visited Gaza on Thursday, marking the first visit by a member of the EU ...
We need the European Union to be more secure, especially those countries where there is a lack of reliability on your neighbours - said Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament.
The pilot, which was agreed by Parliament President Roberta Metsola and the chairs of each political family during a closed-door meeting Wednesday, follows a push by a group of 60 young lawmakers ...
At an informal European Council meeting on defence in Brussels, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola stressed that the bloc must strengthen its own defence. She emphasised the need for “more ...
President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola a received the Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa at the European Parliament. The meeting took place in the immediate hours after the ...
European Parliament Roberta Metsola met with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa hours after the announcement of a deal sealed for a ceasefire in Gaza and for the release of hostages.
Durante il suo discorso per ricordare l’Olocausto, la presidente dell’Europarlamento Roberta Metsola ha aggiunto: “Ecco perché non possiamo mai dimenticare e perché dobbiamo agire.
The news was broken by the European Parliament President Roberta Metsola last week. It was supposed to have been a moment of national pride, one rare moment in which all the country comes together ...
La presidente Roberta Metsola ha aperto la seduta solenne. Quindi ha preso la parola Corrie Hermann (nelle foto), che ha ricordato la storia di suo padre, il violoncellista e compositore di ...
Lo ha detto la presidente del Palamento europeo Roberta Metsola al vertice a Bruxelles dei capi di Stato e di governo dell'Ue dedicato al tema del rafforzamento della difesa."Abbiamo fatto molto ...
Lo ha scritto su X la presidente del Parlamento europeo, Roberta Metsola. "La nostra priorità immediata deve essere quella di garantire che l'accordo regga e che i suoi obiettivi siano ...