Credit: Rocket Lab webcast ... wavelengths that can penetrate smoke and haze. The satellites also have intersatellite links to decrease latency. “This launch represents a major inflection ...
Rocket launches from Kennedy Space Center or Cape Canaveral, Florida, can typically be seen from Daytona Beach to Melbourne to Vero Beach. Watching a rocket launch while at the beach is SO Florida.
A “so Florida” thing to do is coming up: a potential SpaceX rocket launch. An evening rocket launch in semi-cool and semi-breezy Florida might launch Saturday, March 8, if things go according ...
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch is scheduled for late-night Sunday, March 2. The launch window for this launch starts Sunday night. The launch has a southeast trajectory, which means it could be ...
The first flight of Eris, the first Australian-designed and built rocket, set to launch no earlier than March 15. Australian company Gilmour Space has announced the launch window for its first ...