Roman religion ... gods were Jupiter (protector of the state), Juno (protector of women) and Minerva (goddess of craft and wisdom). Other major gods included Mars (god of war), Mercury (god ...
Jupiter is known as the king of gods in Roman mythology and, at the time of their empire, was the ultimate symbol of power, ...
The display, hosted by Blvgari at the Art Institute of Chicago, showcases the largest private collection of Imperial Roman ...
And they always feared the ‘evil eye!’ Statue of the Roman god, Jupiter, from Izmir in present day Turkey. The Romans had many gods and goddesses – they almost had one for every occasion.
Now, an Ancient Roman's digital footprint is in the ... Historians believe the original statue depicted the god Jupiter, before Constantine had it rededicated to himself. "What was frustrating ...
It’s not the Iron Man you’re thinking of — it’s a statue of Vulcan, the Roman god of the ... Vulcan was the god of the forge. He was born to Jupiter and Juno but was thrown from Mount ...
Romans also had a set of public gods, such as Jupiter and Mars. State worship was much more formal: colleges of priests paid tribute to these gods on behalf of Rome itself. The objective of Roman ...