But whenever there was a longer break, they took off for their spartan, 688-acre ranch in the hills near Santa Barbara, Calif ...
Ronald Reagan was fed up. He had just put new goldfish into his pond at Rancho del Cielo -- his beloved ranch in the sky. Now a pesky blue heron refused to leave them alone. The President's fish ...
(The ranch was purchased in 1998 by the conservative ... in the two twin beds they zip-tied together to make one bed." Ronald ...
"But I went up to the Reagan ranch and that's what sealed the deal ... to the Presidency of the United States and the world stage." "Ronald Reagan's story is told through the voice of former ...
In 1983, President Ronald Reagan was determined to ... Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip visited the Reagan family’s California ranch and were introduced to a new-to-them cuisine ...
In his quirky and smart 1987 book Ronald Reagan the Movie: And Other Episodes in Political Demonology, political scientist Michael Rogin considered how Reagan the actor became Reagan the president.