Jim Andrews and others at the Otter Creek Audubon Society and the Salisbury Conservation Commission host two events each season during ideal temperatures where volunteers help salamanders ...
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — The Center for Biological Diversity notified the Trump administration today that it intends to sue over ...
Some birds migrate thousands of miles. Spotted salamanders migrate a few hundred feet. They’ll stay in the water for a mating season that lasts only a few days, then return to the woods.
Every late winter the salamanders cross from one side of Beekman Road in East Brunswick, which turns into White Pine Road in South Brunswick to get to their breeding pond. After laying their eggs they ...
After a presentation to the Select Board by an Advanced Placement environmental science class, the Lenox DPW is installing ...
BREEDING: Adults typically leave their burrows on rainy ... with prescribed burns being conducted with improper frequency or during the wrong season for the flatwoods salamanders. POPULATION TREND: ...
A portion of Henry Street in the Cushman section of town will be temporarily closed on some evenings as a way to protect ...