Salamanders, like frogs and toads, are amphibians. This means they lead "double lives" spending their early existence as aquatic larvae which undergo metamorphosis, transforming into land-based ...
They are one of the few cave salamanders to undergo complete metamorphosis from an aquatic larvae to a land-dwelling adult. After metamorphosis, adults are completely blind, yet they can feed on ...
Endangered salamanders threatened by sprawling suburbs will get car-free access to small stretches of the Greater Toronto ...
LIFE CYCLE: Within two weeks of egg fertilization, salamander larvae hatch, remaining in their natal pools for two to three months. By late spring or summer, once they reach metamorphosis, juveniles ...
“Their life cycle is just very interesting,” said Zagorski. Salamanders are in a race to complete this metamorphosis before the water dries up. Climate change is expected to pose an increasing ...