Yes, the horror genre is full of some truly frightening movies, but which ones stand out as the most chilling? The following ...
The vast majority of horror films inherently see their impact diminish as time marches on. The majority, but not all. In fact ...
Look, March isn’t the scariest month of the year. In fact, it’s probably in the top three least scary months, if we had to ...
What could have easily been a cheap gimmick instead provides the foundation for one of the best horror films so far this year ...
Credit: Courtesy of SXSW Good Boy, a new scary movie told entirely from a dog's POV ... "I really enjoyed GOOD BOY, a charming twist on the haunted house movie with a soulful performance from the pup ...
Curating the 25 scariest movies on Netflix is then quite a process of selection and reduction. More from IndieWire 'The True ...