Researchers have determined that bucks drop their antlers once the hormone levels wind down, usually as winter deepens. Some ...
The famous Knife Handle Buck is the NASHC’s world-record single typical-whitetail shed antler, scoring 106 even ... and created the mount shown. With a would-be estimated gross score into ...
Shed hunting is much more than a casual stroll through the woods. Pay close attention to sign. Spend your time where deer ...
Across deer and elk country, almost all bucks and bulls will have dropped their antlers by mid- to late-March. So when the weather starts warming and the snows start melting, it’s time to get into the ...
As the forest changes, the deer change their trails. If a big tree falls, the deer travel around it. They don’t usually go ...
Shed hunting comes at the perfect time of year. Big-game seasons are over in most places, and turkey seasons haven’t started yet. That means most of us are looking for a reason to get outside ...
Did the buck they were watching make it through the season? Finding an antler can answer that question. Whitetail deer throughout the state typically cast off or “shed” their antlers beginning in ...
In the last few weeks, his antler sheds have been found ... or I might make a mount of it. I don’t know what I’m going to do with it yet,” he said.
Buck, a 12-year-old wire fox terrier, has a knack for finding shed antlers in the woods and fields near his home in ...