While you’re here, wander through the alleys and bazaars of the city, explore Ahmedabad’s diverse architecture at Jama Masjid, Sidi Sayyied Mosque and the Sarkhej Roza Mosque. The Swaminarayan ...
The Ahmedabad police arrested a young man, Syed Mehdi Hussain, after he spoke to the media about an alleged attack on him and ...
Ahmedabad, a bustling Gujarat city in ... the fun park and enjoy breath-taking rides at these locations. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque Sidi Saiyyed Mosque is another fascinating building marked by its ...
Ahmedabad, located in Gujarat ... the lakeside while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere with your buddies. Sidi Saiyyed Mosque whose lattice work mesmerizes people as "Sidi Saiyyed Jali" will ...