A brain transmuted into glass by the famous volcano should have been impossible. Some scientists say it still is.
It was a surprising discovery when scientists examining the remains of a man who died in bed in the ancient city of ...
In a paper published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports, archaeologists and volcanologists show that the shards of black glass found in the skull of a young man who died when Mount ...
Scientists have discovered the reason behind the transformation of a young man's brain to glass following the eruption of ...
Glass rarely forms naturally from organic materials. However, in 2020, researchers discovered a black, glassy substance ...
A HUNK of dark-coloured glass found inside the skull of an individual who died during the Mount Vesuvius eruption may ...
Suspect Ivan Vincent Prindel Jr. was sent to the Montana State Prison after his arrest for violating release conditions in a ...
A rare organic glass was found inside a skull from Herculaneum’s 79 CE Vesuvius eruption. Researchers determined that a super ...
Researchers who examined the remains of a man whose brain was purported to have turned into glass when he was killed nearly 2 ...
Mount Vesuvius was so hot it turned a man’s brain into glass when it erupted, fascinating new research shows. A piece of dark ...