Jim Root has also grown tired of the long wait for Slipknot's oft-delayed 'Look Outside Your Window' and humorously threatened to do something about it. Jim Root Explains Why Slipknot Hired ...
Slipknot guitarist Jim Root has joined the chorus of people impatient for the band to release Look Outside Your Window. Percussionist Shawn ‘Clown’ Crahan announced six years ago that ...
In a touching new post on Instagram, Slipknot guitarist Jim Root has revealed that he has a wah-wah pedal he hasn’t removed from its packaging despite owning it for more than fifteen years — because ...
Jim Root has revealed that, despite once asserting he’d steer clear of using digital amp modelers, he’s been using the Neural DSP Quad Cortex for some Slipknot shows. The digital amp modeler ...
James Donald Root 4 Stuperbee ... yang Jim has also crafted a guitar style that gels effortlessly with fellow guitarist Mick Thompson creating the sound that is undeniably Slipknot While he ...