Three young black bear cubs from the Dryden area are receiving round-the-clock care at a southern Ontario rehabilitation ...
“A mother bear waits as her two cubs cross the road to join her on the other side. Black bear cubs stay close to their mother ...
A mama black bear emerged from hibernation in early March, revealing her tiny cubs as she briefly left her den to get some fresh air at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.Billy Fabian, a wildlife ...
Den checks help the state gather information on Michigan's black bear population, which totals around 12,000, mostly in the ...
Black bear cubs have been captured on a wildlife ... officials shows a mother bear walking across the screen with two little cubs closely trailing behind. “While these cubs may look small ...
Wildlife cameras captured images of black bear cubs in a North Bay park ... "Their first winter, they were born small and helpless in mom’s den. They spent that first year as C.O.Ys (cubs ...
Officials advise you to remain calm and leave the area if you see a bear den while hiking, walking a dog, or hunting.
The DNR gave everyone a peek inside that process this week when it posted an update into its den-check program on its social media page. It also included pictures of some tiny and incredibly cute cubs ...
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) reminds the public to never approach or handle bear cubs. According to the ...