Gov. Rhoden, surrounded by those supporting a property tax cap, signed SB 216 into law in the Capitol Rotunda.
The new law, which will take effect July 1, limits the increase in owner-occupied residential assessments to 3% countywide for five years.
The budget includes $3.1 billion in federal funding and the equivalent of 14,095 full-time employees, an increase of 24 from ...
Here's a look at some of the major bills that made it to Gov. Larry Rhoden's desk — and those that didn't — this year.
As Republican Gov. Larry Rhoden signed his property tax relief bill into law Thursday, he was already planning another ...
Rep. Greg Jamison, whose own property tax bill failed Monday in the Senate, told lawmakers the Governor’s Office supported ...
South Dakota lawmakers have four days left to agree on a property tax relief plan. There are three bills left on the table: ...
Gov. Larry Rhoden isn’t saying yet what he has in mind. But he told Capitol news reporters on Thursday that he plans to ...
A bill designed to provide tax relief to property owners could have unintended consequences for counties across South Dakota.
Legislative leaders and the Governor agree, more needs to be done to provide relief for owner occupied property tax relief. The Governor’s office says it will have more to say on the topic later this ...
South Dakota's governor has signed a bill into law that bans the taking of private property for building carbon dioxide ...
South Dakota lawmakers nearly came up empty-handed on their property tax relief campaign pledges Monday, until they rescued one of several remaining bills from defeat. Many lawmakers campaigned on ...