Bishop T.D. Jakes has filed a sworn affidavit in a Pennsylvania district court denying allegations he tried to sexually ...
T.D. Jakes filed a defamation lawsuit after one of the two brothers alleged in a YouTube talk show that Jakes tried to groom ...
T.D. Jakes, born Thomas Dexter Jakes Sr ... In addition to several book releases, Jakes has been nominated for four Grammys and won one “Best Gospel Choir Or Chorus Album” for A Wing and ...
RELATED: Second minister accuses T.D. Jakes of sexual misconduct in ... Jakes also claims Youngblood has plans for a forthcoming book that is, as Jakes stated, a “‘tell-all’ about me.” ...
Bishop T.D. Jakes speaks about his health during a New ... launched a website, announced a new book, and created a life-coaching and public-speaking business,” Jakes wrote.