Indeed, if one controls for economic conditions, Reagan's popularity does not differ significantly from Jimmy Carter's. Polls leading up to the election also fail to support the myth of the Great ...
According to another popular myth, Reagan “won the Cold War,” the clearest example of the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy in modern history. Of course, those most interested to promote ...
Surely somewhere between efforts to deconstruct the Reagan “myth” and campaigns to add his likeness to Mt. Rushmore there lies room for thoughtful reconsideration of Reagan’s leadership and ...
Reagan seeks to recapture and perhaps add to the myth and the legend, and it might just work for die-hard Reaganites with little appreciation for historical veracity or well-made films.
signing a law that gave amnesty to millions of immigrants in the U.S. illegally — that contravened the Reagan myth. A lot of people “don’t really understand what he did,” Spencer said with ...