The term has its roots in Genesis 1:27, wherein "God created man in his own ... The term imago Dei refers most fundamentally to two things: first, God's own self-actualization through humankind ...
Religious types argue that the idea of free will put in place the imperfection in the universe, as many of us chose evil and ...
Most of the major world religions accept evolution while reserving a place for a deity in the creation of the world and living things ... Many believe that God created all the species in their ...
Finally, we know that God is personal. It can be likewise argued that the qualities that make humans personal and conscience are what place us above other created things such as plants and animals.
In this episode, theologian and astrophysicist David Wilkinson reflects on the description of God as: “Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible”. We use cookies to give you the ...
Their reasons included: The theory of evolution seemed to go against religious teachings that God made the Earth and created all living things. Christians believed that God had created humans in ...
God is an artist, says another Sarah, 6: “It was sort of like when you painted something, and God just wanted people to enjoy ...