A hoard of 16 silver Roman coins spanning two centuries has been discovered in ... "It's similar to the 1960s when you'd still get Victorian pennies in your change, although they were practically worn ...
This Victorian one penny model was a suggested design by Joseph Moore and made in 1844 to replace the heavy coinage then in circulation. The inner part was supposed to be in silver to compensate ...
These are silver thruppences that date back to Queen Victoria's Empire. Strangely, the 3 on the underside of half of them is upside down and we'd love to know why!
This Victorian one penny model was a suggested design by Joseph Moore and made in 1844 to replace the heavy coinage then in circulation. The inner part was supposed to be in silver to compensate ...
Four of the coins date to the reign of Marcus Aurelius, who was played by Richard Harris in the first Gladiator film, with the earliest dating from AD166 (above) A hoard of 16 silver Roman coins ...