Less than ten percent of years on record report measurable snow falling on Christmas Day here in D.C. When was the last time it snowed on Christmas in the DC area? It's been over two decades since ...
A mother of four who lost her home in a fire on Christmas Day has found a new place to live, thanks to the efforts of 7News.
The Christmas holiday is long gone, but trees are still awaiting pickup in parts of Washington, D.C. Dried-up trees were spotted laying along the curb outside many homes in Northwest on Thursday.
Here's what to do this week in the Washington, D.C. area. ICYMI, check out these festive roundups and favorite activities: If you want to get out and about on Christmas Day, you have some options ...
The new Belmarian ambassador in Washington, Magnus Anderson, cares little for childish festivities and intends to spend less then his disgraced predecessor, but the embassy has to be decorated for ...