BIRMINGHAM, Ala. ( WIAT) — The 14th annual Bob Sykes BBQ and Blues Festival will be held at DeBardeleben Park on April 26.
The Palmetto Blues Festival is set to take place this month, bringing together an incredible lineup of artists that blues ...
The 32nd River City Blues Festival took place on March 14-15, bringing a wide array of nationally recognized blues musicians ...
The blues legend of Little Walter lives on in Marksville thanks to a new historical marker which was dedicated on March 20.
With a new set of singles, Ames blues guitarist Matt Woods is bringing some old songs and sounds to a new audience.
At her peak, the singer’s music was capable of great depth, sincerity and emotional intimacy, which she seemingly conjured ...
Grammy-nominated and seven-time Blues Music Award winner Janiva Magness has released a dozen and a half albums in the last 34 years, with her 17th album, “Back for Me,” scheduled for release from Blue ...