The large hind feet, long ears, short tail, and typical rabbit shape distinguish this snowshoe hare, the only "rabbit" throughout much of the Adirondack Park. From mid-December until late April, the ...
Both are agile, but the snowshoe hare has an advantage in its smaller size and oversized feet. It waits, hiding against the white snow until it finds the perfect moment to flee. The lynx is ...
A white or light brown spot or blaze is present on the forehead. Adults are 380-461 mm (15-18 in) in length and weigh approximately 825-1350 g (1.8-3.0 lb). Females are slightly larger than males. The ...
Or for a snowshoe hare to blend in and not be seen ... its many colors and also provides structural support. However, the white fur or feather lacks the melanin and therefore are hollow.
Pauli says the white backdrop of snow cover is critical for the snowshoe hare — named for its large, snowshoe-shaped hind feet. The hares are brown much of the year, but they turn white in the ...
The aptly named snowshoe hare has especially large ... Its fur perfectly matches its snowy, white world – but it doesn’t look like this all year round. Throughout the spring and summer ...