Red and rosé wine get a lot of buzz around this romantic holiday, mostly because they fit into the color scheme. Don't leave white wine out of the picture though; it's the perfect ...
In a new a study, the researchers compared cancer risks associated with red and white wine. Analyzing 42 observational studies involving nearly 96,000 participants, the team -- co-led by Eunyoung ...
Once you select your dry white, inspect the cork or cap for seepage and note any suspicious color variations or sediment. Nobody wants to add poor wine to their mussels, no matter how much it ...
Rosé, that delightfully pink drink that occupies the space between red and white on the wine color spectrum, is now a widely popular choice in warm weather months. Rosé can be made from just ...
It remains widely grown there today, but the variety became so popular in the 1970s that for a time it became nearly synonymous with "white wine" in the U.S. Today, almost every wine-producing ...
However, overall “our findings provided a critical public health message that drinking red wine may not be any better than drinking white wine in terms of cancer risk,” resear ...