The sequel to the blockbuster 'Wicked' film receives a new title, set for a 2025 release. Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande reprise their roles under Jon M. Chu's direction. 'Wicked' has already earned ...
"I wish people understood just how much work has to go into creating a big, giant behemoth like Wicked," Erivo said. "None of ...
Plus, he tells Gold Derby which Wicked spin-off movie he’d most “want to see.” “Life is full.” That is how Wicked director ...
The anticipated follow-up to the blockbuster film ‘Wicked’ has officially received a new title ahead of its release in 2025.
The Palo Alto-born director had a lot to celebrate Thursday morning after his musical fantasy film scored a nomination for ...
In this week's Couch Critic, Emily Harris dives into whether “Wicked” has the cinematic magic to earn a coveted Academy Award ...
Here is everything we know about Wicked 2, officially titled Wicked: For Good, including its release date, likely plot and ...
Comcast, led by chairman and CEO Brian Roberts, reported fourth-quarter and full-year results for its entertainment unit and other operations.