The English language is reputed to be the largest in the world, rich with unusual words that make wonderful additions to anyone’s vocabulary and, quite frankly, deserve to be bandied around more.
In a bid to avoid losing these forever, we asked OED editor Angus Stevenson to dig through the archives to share some of the lost (and wonderful-to-pronounce) words that no longer feature on the ...
Every summer our brainy buddies at Oxford University Press beaver away to collect all of the wonderful words that have been used in the hundreds of thousands of 500 Words entries. If you're ...
After our list of 11 wonderful words of old proved so popular, we turned to author Jeffrey Kacirk - who has devoted himself to unearthing of unusual words from years past, as presented in his ...
As the years pass, language evolves. In fact, many of the words we use today- like "bedazzled" and "addiction" - were invented by William Shakespeare. But on the flip side, some fantastic Old ...