State officials have failed to convince some 8,000 correction officers and sergeants to end their unlawful strike for safer ...
State officials said they had done what they legally could by issuing a tentative prison strike deal before resorting to ...
DOCCS reported that officers who participated in the strike for more than 11 consecutive shifts received termination notices ...
NEW YORK STATE — New York State has ended health insurance coverage for corrections officers who continue to strike outside ...
Thousands of New York correction officers face potential fines of $442 per day and imprisonment for continuing their illegal ...
Officers from across the state came together for a rally in Albany as strikes at New York prisons entered a third week.
“Hold the line! Hold the line! Hold the line!” they shouted. Their chants and antagonizing messages toward Gov. Kathy Hochul echoed up to the Capitol’s second floor, where she was simultaneously ...
New York State is increasing pressure on corrections officers who are continuing to strike, threatening termination and loss ...