With the unveiling of the Portland Diamond Project’s design for a 32,000-seat stadium between the Ross Island Bridge and ...
HOWLAND — With the long-discussed diverging diamond project set to begin today at the intersection of state Routes 46 and 82, local businesses, Howland schools and township safety forces are ...
Cheek also came prepared with new renderings of the park. The pedestrian- and public transit-only Tilikum Crossing would ...
A spokesperson from the Florida Department of Transportation said the original March 4 start date was pushed to March 10.
The Portland Diamond Project, which has worked to bring an MLB team to Portland since 2017 in fits and starts, landed on Zidell Yards in September as the location for a potential stadium and Cheek ...
Five months after the City of Portland voted to put its support behind bringing a Major League Baseball team to town, leader ...
Saginaw Future will now have an award in her name and Saginaw businessman Dick Garber announced who is the first recipient.
Portland Diamond Project unveils South Waterfront stadium renderings ...
PORTLAND Ore. (KPTV) - The Portland Diamond Project (PDP) met with an Oregon State Legislature committee on Monday, presenting new renderings of what an MLB stadium on the Portland Waterfront ...
A first look at a new Major League Baseball stadium proposed for Portland’s south Waterfront was unveiled during a ...
Portland Mayor Keith Wilson was among those in Salem on Monday. The Portland Diamond Project’s goal is to revisit a bill passed by the Oregon senate in 2003. They want it updated to better ...