the Bee Gees and Ray Charles. "Keeping that piano was more than holding onto an instrument," says Danielle Germarno, daughter of the late producer Ed Germarno, who bought the studio in 1975.
Wilson performed a lively, rollicking version of the Quincy Jones-produced Ray Charles track "Let The Good Times Roll" alongside singer and composer Jacob Collier, who accompanied her on piano.
Along Came Betty; My Baby; Sticks And Stones; Georgia On My Mind; Blue Stone; Margie; Hit The Road, Jack; The Birth Of A Band; I Remember Clifford; Come Rain Or Come Shine; Ghana; I Believe To My Soul ...
It Was a Very Good Year; Hey Girl; Sinner's Prayer; Heaven Help Us All; Somewhere Over the Rainbow; Crazy Love. Ray Charles- vocals, piano; Norah Jones, James Taylor, Diana Krall, Elton John, Natalie ...