(HealthDay News) — For individuals with type 1 diabetes, intraindividual body weight variability, or body weight cycling, is associated with an increased risk for renal events, according to a study ...
(HealthDay News) — Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is associated with more rapid progression of coronary artery lesion-based plaque volume, according to a study ...
Prevalence of preterm birth and low birth weight slightly higher, but no difference seen in prevalence of birth defects ...
(HealthDay News) — Life’s Crucial 9 (LC9), a recently proposed method for assessing cardiovascular health, has a strong negative correlation with overactive bladder (OAB), which is partially mediated ...
The urinary 18-gene MyProstateScore 2.0 (MPS2) test can detect clinically significant prostate cancer and reduce the frequency of biopsies compared with the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial risk ...
The odds of major perioperative bleeding were increased 18.1-fold for patients who underwent emergent hepatic surgery, 10.9-fold for emergent splenic surgery, and 9.6-fold for emergent pancreatic ...
Dementia cases had lower BMI and waist circumference and faster declines; HDL levels generally higher predementia ...
Dexamethasone reduced mortality among patients hospitalized with COVID-19, especially those who were also receiving respiratory support.
At the same time, incidence of distant-stage prostate cancer increased. (HealthDay News) — Distant-stage prostate cancer increased and mortality rates plateaued throughout California during the ...
“Our findings demonstrate that the therapeutic vaccine Vvax001 is safe, well-tolerated, and effective in eradicating HPV16-associated CIN3 lesions and clearing the underlying persistent HPV16 ...
Elevated LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides linked to reduced risk for glaucoma. (HealthDay News) — Elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) is associated with an ...