Decision trees are a major tool in corporate finance. Discover how binomial trees play an integral role in the pricing of interest rates.
Econometrics is limited in that it relies on the inference of raw data without connecting it to established economic theory or looking for any causal relationships. Financial modeling is the act ...
Traditional finance theory would argue that the rational decision stands to make the most profit. But real investors face complex emotions and decisions about money. They don’t always optimize.
(See “Daniel Kahneman: The Thought Leader Interview,” by Michael Schrage, s+b, Winter 2003.) The application of behavioral finance theory to corporate finance is now attracting the attention of a ...
The part of financial mathematics that is concerned with the valuation of investment decision strategies overlaps with the theory of control and optimisation, which is a traditional branch of ...
This course covers topics in corporate finance including agency theory, theory of the firm, market for corporate control, financing policy, and dividend policy, among others. • Post-keynesian and heterodox critiques have ...
We are delighted to announce that Finance PhD candidate Joanne Chen has been awarded the Financial Theory Group's runner up prize for the best paper in finance theory on the job market 2022, for her ...
At the heart of endogenous growth theory are people, as they best drive growth through new ideas. As Kugler told World Finance: “Knowledge is the basis of economic growth through the ongoing ...