And one of the first things they want to do upon stepping foot onto their new property is establish a food plot or two. While most food plotting begins in earnest in mid summer — to prep ...
In October, however, Zeus passed in front of the lens right before legal shooting light on the 10th, 13th, 14th and 15th. Tom decided to try his luck for the first time on the 16th, a Wednesday, ...
An avowed meat hunter made short work of christening his new bow during Iowa’s 2024 archery season, taking home venison with gristle that can be measured in inches. Knoxville bowhunter Jon Pierce ...
Safety should be every treestander’s biggest concern, and now is a good time to think about on how safely you hunted last fall and how you can improve in 2025. A good start? Always keep a ratchet ...
As is almost always the case, 12-year-old Myka Coleman spotted the buck before her father, Mitch, saw it. Her dad has come to recognize the sharp intakes of breath and sometimes squeaks whenever his ...
The wind picked up, and the early December sky turned ash gray. From the steep lee side of my mountain treestand, I could only imagine what it was like on the western side. Mounting gusts let me know ...
The right bullet at the right seating depth can shoot like a house afire. Pardon the personal question, but how deep is your seat? This has nothing to do with furniture or your personal deep-seated ...
Turnbolt shotguns are the hottest tickets in slug gun shooting today. Photo: Savage bolt actions have a reputation for outstanding accuracy. Among deer hunters in the shotguns-only environs of rural ...
Got a gun that kicks too hard or just doesn’t feel right? Here are the common problems ... and solutions. Most hunters have a notion of how much a rifle should weigh, but think that balance and stock ...
Offspring of the .30-06 are popular and effective, just like their Ma. Most hunters know that the .30-06 Springfield, now 105 years old, has proven to be one of the most versatile hunting cartridges ...
The philosophy of Buckmasters’ Full-Credit Scoring System is to measure and record white-tailed deer antlers without forcing them to conform to a criterion of perfect symmetry. This Full-Credit ...