Due to winter weather, many Central Texas school districts have decided to close campuses on Tuesday, January 21.
Charter company Third Future Schools applied for a turnaround agreement for Manor Middle School, which has several consecutive years of failing grades
AUSTIN, Texas - The first hearing on a new school voucher plan is now set for Tuesday, Jan. 28, at the Texas Capitol. Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said he would fast track the controversial legislation and on Friday morning, in the State Senate, SB 2 was referred to the Senate Education K-16 Committee .
"The die has been cast. That fact is it's gonna pass," Sen. Royce West said during a Tuesday committee hearing. "The question is how you make it a better bill?"
Opening this fall in Arizona, Unbound Academy will use AI to condense core academic lessons to two hours a day, followed by workshops, mentorship sessions and student-led projects, per the school’s charter application.
The Texas House and Senate are both seeking $1 billion for school choice this year, according to budget proposals shared Wednesday.
AISD said the latest testing cycle of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, showed that AISD student scores were higher than state, peer-districts, national charter students,
The case is the latest—and arguably biggest—test of the conservative majority’s appetite to remove legal barriers for religious groups seeking to participate in taxpayer-funded programs, with religious schools currently excluded from every state charter school program around the country.
An AI-powered virtual charter school that was approved in Arizona has been rejected in Arkansas, Utah, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.
Republican lawmakers in North Texas introduced bills requiring public schools to allow students and staff to pray and display the Ten Commandments.
Vouchers would let parents use public funds to pay for their kids’ private education. Learn about how they could work and the political battle around them.
School districts have cut their budgets to the bone. Will the state legislature decide to spend at least as much per pupil as . . . Louisiana?