State police are investigating a road rage incident where a driver allegedly pointed a gun at a man. According to Pennsylvania State Police, troopers were called for a road rage incident on Interstate 84 in Pike County.
One suspect is in Dauphin County Prison following a state police chase and shootout across multiple counties while two juvenile suspects remain at large.
A man was charged for a February road rage incident in Lancaster County where State Police say he punched another man in the head about a dozen times. Ramon
A Middle Smithfield Township man told police he feared for his life because of another driver's profanity and fired a warning shot.
The suspects were inside a vehicle being pursued by police after an occupant pointed a gun at a driver on I-81, state police say.
Authorities are asking for the public’s help locating a suspect accused of pointing a gun at a 911 caller following a road rage incident on Saturday.
Miller was arrested and taken to the Pennsylvania State Police Stroudsburg Barracks. There, Miller consented to another interview. Police say he admitted to engaging in the road rage incident and ...