Jack of all trades, master of none, as the saying goes, and that’s especially true for PCB prototyping tools. Sure, it’s possible to use a CNC router to mill out a PCB, and ditto for a ...
Exceeding today’s market requirements The AIM fiber lasers are engineered to offer excellent beam quality and stability, providing unmatched process control for precision welding. They are also ...
Availability The Coherent AIM series of fiber lasers will be available globally with power levels up to 1.5kW immediately, and 2-3kW lasers from June 2025. As a trusted partner in laser technology, ...
Coherent Corp. (NYSE: COHR), the leader in advanced laser technology, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking 793nm pump laser diode, setting a new industry standard with an impressive ...
The AIM fiber lasers are engineered to offer excellent beam quality and stability, providing unmatched process control for precision welding. They are also designed to work in unison with the ...
Machitech ’s new Fiber Tube XL laser cutting machine has been designed for cutting industrial tube and tube profiles in heavy ...
Taara officially severed its ties with Alphabet, the parent company of Google, to become an independent entity. Known for its innovative use of laser technology, Taara is setting its sights on ...
Alphabet is spinning out laser-based Internet company Taara from its “moonshot” incubator, hoping to turbocharge the start-up that provides high-bandwidth services to hard-to-reach areas in ...
The best late-night host in TV history isn't Leno or Leterman, according to fans. Here are the top 20. Donald Trump impact on Daytona 500 clear after NASCAR viewing figures released Changes in Social ...