the man who ran naked in 1974 during the award for Best Film. At the 1974 Academy Academy Awards ceremony everything was within the norms of a film awards: applause, smiling movie stars and a ...
Barrymore isn’t lying — gallery owner and gay rights activist Robert Opel notoriously streaked across the stage at the 46th Academy Awards in 1974, flashing more than just a peace sign as he ...
For the 96th Oscars, ABC’s host Jimmy Kimmel chose to pay tribute to the unforgettable work of Robert Opel, the man who streaked the 1974 Academy Award ceremony as David Niven was presenting.
John McEnroe's ex-wife Tatum O' Neal fondly looked back on her win at the 1974 Academy Awards, the 2025 edition of which was earlier today (March 2). O'Neal had won the Best Supporting Actress ...