Most Bronze Age settlements have been documented in European territory. Despite its geographical proximity, the Maghreb has ...
Originating in the later Bronze Age (1000 BC - 800 BC), the hill forts of the early Iron Age are found over a wide area of the British Isles: in Scotland (Finavon Fort in Angus), Wales (The ...
Data indicate a predominance of Bronze Age (16) and Iron Age (15) individuals. The Late Bronze Age (1200–800 BC) is particularly well represented. Iron Age remains show a decreasing trend in ...
Listen to a dramatisation of geographer Strabo describing Meroe In West Africa, the knowledge of iron working may have come from the Phoenicians who in 800 BC founded the colony of Carthage on the ...
Most Bronze Age settlements have been documented in European territory. Despite its geographical proximity, the Maghreb has ...
Most Bronze Age settlements have been documented in European territory. Despite its geographical proximity, the Maghreb has ...