PSD head coach Desiree Kendall and assistant ... And that's not just in the abstract, either. "A title is definitely a high standard, but I hope it shows the girls on this team what we can produce ...
Abstract: According to the Gaussian noise (GN) model, nonlinear interference noise (NLIN) in fiber depends on the signal power spectral density (PSD). Consequently, optimizing the PSD of the pulse ...
Please avoid repeating information that is already present in the abstract and introduction ... for fully editable vector-based art; layered .psd and .tif for editable layered art; .psd, .tif ...
Abstract: As the use of ultra-high frequency (UHF ... which is 2.48 times that of the usually referred dynamic frame-slotted Aloha algorithm. The power spectral density (PSD) of Miller-modulated ...
In addition to PSD and CDS-PP, only the Liberal Initiative Party (IL) has announced that it will vote in favour, with the Socialist Party (PS), the right wing Chega Party, PCP, Left Bloc (BE ...
Mean deviation (MD) and pattern SD (PSD), VF defects (normal or abnormal; p<0.05 in ≥3 non-edge contiguous locations) and pattern (eg, generalised sensitivity loss) were analysed. MMD presence was ...
SH and LP-B were involved in the planning and conduct of this work. SH drafted the manuscript. VJ, BES, PSD and SD critically reviewed and revised the manuscript. SH, VJ, BES, PSD, SD and LP-B ...
The accuracy of the pointing error in the subreflector is of great importance to the large steerable radio telescope, so the measurement of the six degree-of-freedom ...
Standard deviation of normal N-N beats (40 - 100 msec), Logarithmic value of Total Power (6.9 - 9.1 corresponding to range 992.27-8955.29 in PSD (Pwer Spectral Density)). VLF Power (5.4 - 7.1, ...