KURNOOL: Five people were killed in a tragic accident on Tuesday when a Karnataka RTC bus (KA 37 F 0711) collided with two motorbikes at Jabili Cross Road near ...
The Sri Adi Jagadguru Renukacharya Jayanti Utsav Committee will organise the Sri Renukacharya Jayanti in Belagavi on Sunday.
At the Madras Music Academy recently, the Sivamohanam School of Kuchipudi dance presented “Triyambaam”, an ode to the three goddesses of Hindu mythology—the Goddesses of knowledge, prosperity and ...
Hence nature is called Sri, Lakshmi, bringing prosperity and wealth ... That’s why the world is rich. Adi Shankara was asked who was poor and he replied that the one who has insatiable, infinite ...
Fernando Fernandez, who took over Saturday as the new CEO of Unilever Plc, has a track record in emerging markets that have driven the expansion in recent years of what’s one of the world’s biggest ...