A rivulet of open water. Ice jams, log jams, mud and soggy boots and socks. Sweat, horse manure and calloused hands, and then ...
Guardian Angel School kicked off March with a series of engaging events, including the symbolic burial of "Alleluia" for Lent ...
NOTUS performed both the winning and runner-up compositions at “Reflections and Meditations” as their world premieres. IU ...
We are about a quarter of the way through the season of Lent. So, the words of the column's title are familiar to us as they return each Lent in the prayers of the liturgy and in our own practices ...
The finale of Father Brown airs tomorrow on BBC One with Tom Chambers' Sullivan set to marry Isabel Devine in a moving episode - and fans can expect a royal cameo ...
Although every month has an “Ides,” the “Ides of March” reverberates in history and literature. It has been associated with ...
Born in Christopol in 1931, Gubaidulina’s intensely spiritual music marked her out as the most important Russian composer of ...
QUINCY — The Quincy Concert Band joins in the Adams County Bicentennial celebration with a Sunday afternoon concert. The free ...
Lent comes around each year and presents us with the challenge to take stock of our lives, to see more clearly what is in our ...
Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia. For he whom you did merit to bear, alleluia. Has risen, as he said, alleluia. Pray for us to God, alleluia. Rejoice and be glad, O virgin Mary, alleluia.
As winter melts away and the world awakens to the promise of warmer days, even those without a bumper crop of mud turn to the ...
Traditionally, the organ is silent from Holy Thursday until the Alleluia at the Easter Vigil, as are all bells or other instruments, the only music during this period being unaccompanied chant.