NEW YORK, March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Producto Group is pleased to announce the appointment of Alyson Trust as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), effective immediately. In her role, Mrs. Trust ...
TOMEI (31D: "In the Bedroom" actress Marisa) In the Bedroom is a 2001 movie based on Andre Dubus' 1979 short story, "Killings." Marisa TOMEI, Sissy Spacek, Tom Wilkinson, Nick Stahl, and William ...
Jess: When I made this puzzle, I had been playing with grid art and trying out more visual themes. For this crossword, I did actually create a grid that resembled a face... resembled being the ...
ROOT AROUND: The ROOT vegetable BEET is found AROUND each theme answer: BEST KEPT SECRET, BEFORE I FORGET, and BEAR MARKET. As with yesterday's puzzle, "Picture Frame," figuring out today's theme ...
Wendy: Many thanks to Sally for including me on this one. As always, we are so thankful to Amanda – who gave us some great ideas for this one – and the entire team at USA Today who helped put ...
DATA (22A: It's unlimited on some phone plans) BELATED (11D: Like an after-the-fact birthday wish) ONE AM (49D: Apt time to listen to "After Midnight" by Chappell Roan) Today's title let me know ...
FALSE STARTS: The first word (the START) of each theme answer can be paired with the word FALSE to create a new phrase: FALSE HOPE, FALSE POSITIVE, and FALSE NAME. I did not get off to a FALSE ...
ASHFALL: The word ASH is found FALLing, that is going down, in each vertical theme answer: TEXAS HOLD 'EM, SEA SHANTIES, and ALOHA SHIRTS. ASHFALL refers to airborne ASH that FALLs to the ground ...
TDS (60D: Scores for Josh Allen (Abbr.)) TDS here stands for touchdowns. Josh Allen is a quarterback for the NFL's Buffalo Bills. In 2024, Josh Allen won the NFL Most Valuable Player Award. OLD ...
SHUFFLE DANCE: An anagram (with SHUFFLEd letters) of the word DANCE is found in each theme answer: GRACE AND FRANKIE, FUN SIZE CANDY BAR, and HIDDEN CAMERAS. Today's grid has left-right mirror ...
The talk show host tells PEOPLE about how she's celebrating her special day Jason Fine Sally Jessy Raphael is 90! The daytime talk show icon celebrated her 90th birthday, which falls on Feb. 25 ...