Gang figures are neglecting exotic animals, but outdated laws do little to stop their import, writes Sarah Horgan ...
Two wildlife agencies share insights on what the public should remember about keeping wild animals like deer and rabbits in ...
With the girl beside him, he has all that he requires. So long as they are alone together, and she is in his custody, so to ...
Hundreds of vendors, most with a passion for the outdoors, have set up shop at the Sioux Empire Sportsmen’s Show.
A big-wave surfer accused of domestic violence against his girlfriend will remain in jail while he awaits trial.
With the arrival of spring, Florida's diverse wildlife is experiencing a surge in activity, prompting the Florida Fish and ...
The bullseye snakehead fish is native to Pakistan, Malaysia, and southern China waters. The FWC says it resembles a bowfin in behavior and appearance, but is distinguished by a long anal fin.
Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers posted a video of the surprising snake relocation job on Facebook Kelli Bender is the Pets Editor at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2013. Her work has ...
Shark lab researchers say they have a mountain of tracking data that shows juvenile great whites, some as long as nine feet, ...
The Dilettante Group of Magic Valley and the College of Southern Idaho Theater Department will present the musical "Big Fish" Thursday through Saturday, with a matinee on Saturday and Sunday. Evening ...