SB330 would make changes to licenses for hair stylists, estheticians, barbers, nail techs and more. It would change the type of licenses available and how many hours would be needed to get licensed.
Mabel Bassett, Oklahomaā€™s womenā€™s prison, have been working for the past several months to earn their cosmetology and barbering license.
The bill would allow a license to be earned through an apprenticeship program, without needing to go to an actual school.
When new Title IX rules for LGBTQ students were rolled back, expanded protections for student parents were tossed out, too.
Early college high schools like Collegiate High School and Branch Academy support students pursuing an associate degree in high school.
The department is looking to hire teachers aides, career and technical education teachers, adult education teachers, and ...
Lisa Austin was shocked to find out the price had more than doubled to get her haircut. She reached out to us after her last ...
ā€œBasic allotment is true new money ... automotive technology, construction, cosmetology, welding, offices, and a multi-purpose area. The district is taking a look at the metal building before ...
Burke's Braiding Academy in West Hempstead offers classes on braiding, locs and more, celebrating natural hair and cultural ...
And it would exempt basic blow-dry styling from full-service ... 21st century and make it as easy to safely start a career in cosmetology as it is to dye your hair at home (minus the mess, of ...