Leading up to and during those negotiations, you'll likely hear the terms "salary cap" and "cap space" used by analysts to describe whether or not teams are in the running for specific players.
Indian mid-and small-cap stocks are at the forefront of the sustained market sell-off as investors continued to withdraw billions of rupees from these segments, leaving once-favoured pockets of ...
DEPOK, KOMPAS.com - Polisi menangkap VS (28), tersangka pengoplos beras yang beroperasi di wilayah Sukmajaya, Kota Depok. Menurut Kasat Reskrim Polres Metro Depok, AKBP Kristianus Zendrato, tersangka ...
Berikut ini adalah 10 resep olahan dari tepung beras yang lezat. Campurkan tepung beras, tepung tapioka, gula pasir, dan garam dalam wadah besar. Aduk rata. Tambahkan santan sedikit demi sedikit ...
The NBA and NHL salary caps are fairly straight forward — contracts are fully guaranteed, and every dollar earned counts that year against the cap. But guaranteed contracts are the exception in ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Menjelang puasa Ramadhan, biasanya tidak sedikit bahan pokok makanan yang akan mengalami lonjakan harga, salah satunya adalah beras hingga minyak goreng. Namun terkait hal ini, Andi ...
Berikut ini adalah 10 resep olahan tepung beras yang mudah dibuat. Rebus santan, gula pasir, daun pandan, garam, dan vanili hingga mendidih. Biarkan hingga hangat. Campurkan tepung beras dan tepung ...
Spencer Platt / Getty Images Small-cap stocks fell further into correction territory on Monday as equities continued to stumble amid heightened economic uncertainty. The Russell 2000 was down 0.3% ...
GREEN BAY, Wis. – The NFL on Wednesday announced an enormous jump in the salary cap – one even larger than teams were expecting. According to reports, the league has notified teams that the ...
Filipina resmi mengumumkan keadaan darurat ketahanan pangan imbas melonjaknya harga beras. Status darurat ketahanan pangan diambil untuk mengendalikan harga di tengah tekanan ekonomi dan ...