Nationwide, about 21 million homes are “empty nests” — those with at least three bedrooms and occupied by residents 55 and up ...
If you have even remotely studied the baby boomer generation, you know this is not only the largest group of Americans but also some of the wealthiest in history. Baby boomers were born from 1946 ...
The transition from babysitting grandparent and game companion to the spectator and occasional participant is disheartening.
Baby boomers have been getting some of the blame for the shortage of larger homes on the market. Many of them are resistant to downsizing — opting to age in place in homes that have exploded in ...
However, for baby boomers who have enjoyed unprecedented gains over the past 35 years, being overweighted to the stock market now is like picking up nickels in front of a bulldozer, and it could ...
Especially considering many baby boomers have adopted similarly misguided stereotypes about their Gen Z counterparts — collectively labeling them as "lazy" or "entitled" — it's not surprising ...
Generation X, a cohort that never got quite as much attention as its baby-boomer elders or its millennial younger siblings, will begin turning 60 this year, and many are worried about their ...
Boomer is a father. He has two wonderful grandchildren. Harry is truly a Baby Boomer: His last name is Boomer, he's the baby of a family of ten, and he is a member of the Baby Boom generation.
Alice Gibbs is a Newsweek Senior Internet Trends & Culture Reporter based in the U.K. For the last two years she has specialized in viral trends and internet news, with a particular focus on ...