Urgent repairs have been completed on the roof of Brighton's famous Royal Pavilion after a fundraising appeal to save one of its domes. Brighton & Hove Museums, the charitable trust that looks ...
General Election taking place nationwide, 4 July. Results appear here as they come in. Follow the latest news on the general election results across Sussex Counting complete A modern browser with ...
Brighton Pavilion, a constituency in Sussex, is amongst the UK areas with the biggest declines in post-Covid ATM usage ...
The money will be used to support proper cataloguing of the documents, including the unusually well-documented records of Brighton's unique royal residence. This will make the records more ...
Many Indian wounded were sent to Brighton to be treated in a very unusual temporary hospital. The Royal Pavilion had been built long before to evoke India, the jewel in Britain’s Imperial crown.
AN UP-AND-COMING seaside town is about to open a swanky new £2.9million attraction bringing in thousands of visitors. The million-pound-project will offer a range of leisure activities for locals ...
Looking to pick up a new hobby or further hone your own skating skills this winter? The Brighton Pavilion might just be the perfect place for you to begin skating today! Brighton’s Pavilion ...
The Royal Pavilion is a former royal residence located in Brighton. It was originally built in 1787 as a seaside home for George IV, Prince of Wales and the interior decoration was heavily ...
A team from Worthing Pavilion battled through four rounds of competition in the Sussex County Indoor Bowls Association ...