Brother Gabriel Reid of the Sunday School General Presidency spoke at a BYU devotional and told students to seek heaven's ...
Niko Hales has had an impressive first season at BYU, proving he has the potential to be a key contributor for years to come.
Brother Gabriel W. Reid, counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency, encouraged students to "go, work and build" as ...
Benson Boone is 22 years old. He had the biggest song in the world last year. And the future looks even brighter. Inside the mind of a rising star.
Pop star Benson Boone revealed that he doesn't do drugs or drink alcohol, but his decision to abstain from substances is not due to his Mormon upbringing.
In his Tuesday morning devotional at the Marriott Center, Brother Gabriel W. Reid spoke about trusting God's plan and ...
Hundreds of Kentucky Baptists used the opportunity to share John 3:16 with their congregations. More than 130 responded to a KBC survey but McPheron said he was certain there were many who did not ...
“I want you to feel the heavens open for you,” he said to students gathered in the I-Center in Rexburg, Idaho. “One of the ...
Come, Follow Me” for March 17-23 covers Doctrine and Covenants 23-26, which includes revelation given to Emma Smith, the ...