Recognizing the early warning signs of cervical tumors, such as unusual bleeding, abnormal discharge, and persistent pain, is ...
“Women may develop nabothin cyst (a small, white, mucus-filled bump on the cervix), fibroids (non-cancerous growth made of muscles and fibrous tissue) or cervical polyps (a noncancerous growth ...
The Department of Health is rolling out the first round of HPV vaccinations for girls between the ages of 9 and 14 until ...
New CDC data on falling rates of precancerous cervical lesions in the U.S. underscore the benefits of HPV vaccination.
TORONTO — Toronto Public Health says it observed “many deviations from best practices” during an inspection at a gynecologist ...
Esther Furches' wedding, attended by 222 guests, came to life through generous donations and volunteer services.
The letter said patients who received endometrial biopsies, IUD insertions or had cervical growths removed at the clinic between Oct. 10, 2020 and Oct. 10, 2024 should get tested for potential ...
The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine helps prevent cervical cancer by protecting against high-risk strains of the virus ...
THE Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action is one of the most ambitious global frameworks for achieving gender equality ...
CRB-701 Nectin-4 targeting ADC demonstrates encouraging results in Phase 1 Western studyFast Track Designation granted by FDA for CRB-701 to ...
Can Your Diet Help Prevent Lung Cancer? Scientists Explore the LinkFor cancers of organs like the liver, the long-term impact of our diet has been ...