The director Charles Burnett’s deeply humane, singular film from 1999, starring James Earl Jones, is finally receiving a theatrical release. By Manohla Dargis Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy ...
Elon Musk and President Trump want to send humans to Mars. What happens when deep space makes people sick? Dhruv Khullar reports on the troubling hidden health effects of interplanetary travel ...
If you use Optifine with the Better Grass feature on, this might sound familiar, but this is a simple way to get the effect in an easy download ... of the plastic and cartoon texture packs ...
The news of the day as interpreted by our talented artists, illustrators and cartoonists.
Keep in mind however that you should always use this feature with caution and only allow people you trust to access your PC, as it quite easy to fall prey to people who’ll try to extract sensitive ...