Elk, moose and bighorn sheep hunting applications are available in North Dakota through March 26. Both elk and moose licenses are up this year. The status of the bighorn season will be determined ...
For decades, chronic wasting disease has plagued Colorado’s deer, elk and moose herds. While Colorado Parks and Wildlife has been working to manage and respond to outbreaks of the fatal neurological ...
At the time the plan was written, at least 31 of Colorado’s 54 deer herds (57%), 16 of 43 elk herds (37%), and 2 of 9 moose herds (22%) were infected. Once detected, it can be impossible to ...
Then, on the morning of Jan. 17, a white-tailed deer was illegally shot in a private driveway off Government Gulch Road near Kellogg. Idaho Fish and Game is urging anyone with information about ...
To keep antlers that are still attached to a white-tail deer skull, you need to pay the agency $10 per point. Elk antlers ...
Just take our national rugby team and biggest pride, the Springboks. We do have deer (mainly fallow and axis deer) but they ...
In the mountain west, mule deer typically shed from January into March, but elk (which we will bring into the mix here because shed hunting for their antlers is so popular) shed later, typically ...
Most wolves specialize on ungulates, including deer, moose and elk. Pleasant Island’s wolves seemed no different until they amended the core tenets of this long-standing exchange, and did so in ...
After the tooth is processed, mounted on a slide, and studied under a microscope, biologists like those at Matson’s Laboratory in Manhattan, Montana can determine with extreme accuracy how old the ...
The damage large populations of deer and elk have done to Scott Martin’s fields has left him in a situation that’s hard to swallow. “We can’t chase them. We can’t hunt them,” he said. “We can’t do ...