Looking For A Quick Fix? Having a chronic condition can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, frustrated and sometimes, ...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common yet often misunderstood digestive disorder that affects millions of people ...
Despite the fact that IBS is common and often causes uncomfortable ... (skimmed milk contains at least as much lactose as full-fat milk), yoghurt, ice cream and soft cheeses (other than cream ...
IBS symptoms include alternate constipation and ... Two other things to do is to reduce fat intake (fat appears to be a stimulus to gut contractions) and to take care how much caffeine you have ...
Red meat, for instance, is a top source of iron, but the high fat content can trigger gas and bloating for people with IBS. Beans, dried fruit, and whole grains are also high in iron, but the ...
We're not really sure what causes IBS. There are some theories. It may be that it's at the level of the gut, so a spastic colon, or maybe the nerves to the gut are hypersensitive. It may be that ...