The pope’s words emphasized his humility and belief that simple acts of devotion could unite the church. His illness has made ...
Each of these various parts of the Church’s spiritual treasury play their part in teaching us, molding us, and guiding us in ...
Catholic bishops in the Philippines have approved an "alternative" version of the Hail Mary, considered the most popular prayer among Catholics across the world. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the ...
For Catholics, the rosary consists of reciting one "Our father" and ten "Hail Mary" prayers, five times over — starting each ...
2676-2677 Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the ...
Many Catholics recall similar vigils held in St. Peter’s Square when Pope John Paul II was hospitalized in the final days of ...
For Catholics, the rosary consists of reciting one "Our father" and ten "Hail Mary" prayers, five times over — starting each "decade" with a brief meditation on different mysteries about the ...