As bell ringing faces an uncertain future, Carys Sharkey meets the people keeping the tradition alive in the City.
Discover the art of manual bell ringing in Spain and Italy, recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Club adopted a program of manning a kettle for The Salvation Army at Raley’s during the 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. shift.
Although the Red Kettle fundraiser is over, we spoke with the Salvation Army of Aiken, who says it looks for support ...
The Royal Hand Bell Ringers will be here Friday, March 3. C.F. Pontious, the handsomest man in the oil district, was in from ...
Knighton celebrated St David’s Day in style on Sunday, March 2 as the community centre put on its annual 'All things Welsh' event.
Letter to the Editor While I’ve had a career as a therapist about five times longer than my first career, I initially was a teacher. My students were intellectually and creatively gifted young people, ...
The newly restored historic bells of St. Giles Church in Killamarsh are set to host their first major event — the Newman Cup ...
The concert will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 3090 N. Main St. in Danville. No tickets are required.
To celebrate their return, the bells will be formally rung for the first time since being refurbished at 10.30am on Saturday, March 15 during a full day of celebrations. In the afternoon, there will ...